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They are porcelain leaves with a thickness of approximately 0.5 mm, which are adhered with special adhesives with minimal or no abrasion from the enamel on the front surface of the teeth. Because they are very thin, their light transmittance is high. In this way, it can aesthetically imitate the natural tooth appearance. Since only the front part of the teeth is abraded a little, the tooth tissue is preserved and there is no operation on the back of the tooth.It can be applied easily when the patient does not want orthodontic treatment (if there is no advanced crowding) or in cases where there is a gap between the teeth. Teeth can be lengthened and reshaped. Broken, cracked, badly formed teeth can have a beautiful appearance. Although porcelain laminates are very thin, they become resistant to breakage when they are adhered to the teeth with special methods. It should be worked with precision both during the preparation, construction and gluing phases. In this way, it becomes a whole with the teeth in the mouth. Today, they are considered one of the most aesthetic and ideal treatment methods. While deciding on the treatment, intraoral measurements are taken and designs are made on models or digitally. This design is transferred to the patient’s mouth. Thus, you will have an idea about the post-treatment period. Afterwards, in cases where gingival leveling is not required, a new appearance is achieved in as little as 1 week. There is no difference in terms of oral care. Teeth and gums should be brushed and floss should be applied. Porcelain surface can preserve its color without change for many years.

Denta Esthetic

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