How is healthy gingiva?
Healthy gingiva is light pink in color, matte, hard consistency, and its surface has the appearance of an orange peel. Gingival bleeding may be a sign of an underlying gingival disease.
What is gingival disease?
It is an inflammatory disease that affects the gingiva and the tissues that support the teeth. When only the gingiva is affected, it is called “gingivitis”. If the disease progresses to the bones and the ligaments between the bone and the tooth, it is called “periodontitis”. Gingival diseases are as common as dental caries, and for this reason, losses can be observed in healthy teeth that are not caries. In case of disease, the gingiva appear bleeding, red and edematous.Tartar is available. Rocking, displacement, spacing, and elongation can be observed in the teeth. There is a bad taste and odor in the mouth. Among the causes of the disease is bacterial plaque, which is a sticky layer that accumulates on the gums and teeth. If this plaque, which has a lot of bacteria in it, is not removed with daily cleaning, it calcifies and turns into “tartar”.Over time, gum disease causes the gums to move away from the teeth. Bacteria accumulate in this pocket formed between the tooth and gingiva and cause damage to the bone around the tooth. Genetic factors, smoking, hormonal conditions, stress, drug use, and some systemic diseases are also causes of periodontal disease.It is an important risk factor for the development of periodontal diseases, heart and lung diseases, diabetes and preterm birth/low birth weight. Smoking is a risk factor for increased bone loss in periodonral diseases. And there is a decrease in the success of gingiva disease treatment in smokers.
How is the treatment of gingival disease?
Gingiva disease is very common. In many people, this disease is at the beginning level. It can be treated with a good oral care education and professional cleaning by a physician. Depending on the severity of the disease, there is a course of treatment between 4 weeks and 6 months.
Periodontal treatment takes place with the joint contribution of the patient and the physician. The continuity of the treatment depends on the patient’s proper and regular oral care.
Tartar cleaning: It is the treatment in the early stage of the disease. In this process, plaque, stones and stains around the teeth are removed. It is recommended to come and have a check-up every 6 months.
Root surface straightening: tartar and inflamed tissues in the pocket area formed between the tooth and gingiva are cleaned under local anesthesia and the root surface becomes smooth. Thus, it is ensured that the gingiva tightly wraps the root surface.
Periodontal flap operation: If the pockets formed between the tooth and gingiva are too deep and cannot be cleaned sufficiently, the gingiva is lifted as a whole, the root surface and inflamed tissues are cleaned, and then the gingiva is closed with sutures to cover the bone. Bone grafting can be performed when necessary.
What are the precautions that can be taken to prevent gingival disease?
Caring for your gingiva is just as important as caring for your teeth. Teeth and gingiva should be brushed together twice a day. The toothbrush used should be soft. Vibration motion should be applied as if massaging the tooth and gingival junction. Cleaners such as interface brush, dental floss, mouthwash should be used for the interfaces of the teeth. Many people are unaware that they have gingival disease. For this reason, the dentist should be visited regularly and care should be taken to clean teeth and gingiva.